How did you prepare your resume? Any help/material you took/read? A) Looked up seniors resume whose profile were similar to mine B) Took help from "IITB resume workshop ppt" C) Resume was proof read by batch mates and seniors
Did you attend Pre-Placement talks? Did you gain anything out of them? Did you talk to anyone else about choosing between jobs/companies? A) Pre-Placement talks were of little help B) I did not do much of a market survey on companies/jobs, which proved out to be a set-back for me during the placement season
Any website/material you read/used for preparation of Case-Studies/HR Questions/Puzzles/Technical/GDs? (Your sending across links/documents would help us compile a single point resource None
For interview/GD/Test preparation did you prepare in groups or individually? Which one do you think helps the most? Any details you provide will be of great help. None; Group preparation helps the most.
What was the procedure of selection? Roughly how many people were short listed at each level? And how many were made final offers? A) 30 were shortlisted for GD through resume B) 15 went ahead for interviews (2 rounds of interview) C) 6 went ahead for final rounds (3 rounds of interview of 45 min duration each) D) 3 were selected for the job
Walk us through the GDs/Interviews of this company. The questions that you were asked and other details that you may remember would be of great help. GD topic: Should government infuse money into the economy? Interview: 1) Resume based questions 2) weakness 3) puzzles 4) reasons for applying for the job 5) why should i get a preference over other candidates applying for the job
If someone wants to appear for this company, what all should he/she ideally prepare? Learning: 1) Be chilled out in the interview 2) Try to get friendly 3) tell ur hobbies and u might get a connection with them 4) think from a bored interviewer point of view, as to what kind of candidates will the interviewer prefer (nerd/friendly/honest/excited etc. etc.)
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