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Department of Chemical Engineering

The Chemical Engineering Association (ChEA), established in 1965, looks back with pride with an enviable record of a number of educational, informative, and informal events. The records have become even more enviable when considered in the context of the fact that such events are organized almost entirely by students with remarkably keen participation and generous support from professors and alumni.


  • It's an association of the Alumni, Faculty, Students, and Staff of the Chemical Engineering Department. 

  • Spreading knowledge and awareness in the field of chemical engineering through meetings, discussions, workshops, seminars, etc.

  • Increasing the spirit of brotherhood and co-operation amongst the members of the association.

  • Developing leadership, initiative, and inculcating a sense of responsibility amongst the members of the association.

  • Simulate collaborative efforts among industry, universities, government, professional societies, and other chemical associations in India and abroad.


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